Self-Care Assessment

& Action Plan

Self-care activities are things you do to keep your health and well-being in check.

This assessment will help you to consider how often and how effectively you engage in self-care activities. The purpose of this assessment is to help you understand how you are caring for yourself in (5) self-care domains.

This assessment does not include all self-care activities, but it will help you start thinking about your self-care needs.

How to use the assessment:

1 = I do this poorly, I do this rarely, or not at all

2 = I do this OK, I do this sometimes

3 = I do this well, I do this often

Self-Care Assessment and Plan

Physical Self-Care

Eat foods that are healthy for you:
1 2 3
Follow a personal hygiene routine:
1 2 3
Move intentionally for at least 30 minutes per day (e.g. exercise):
1 2 3
Wear clothes that help me feel comfortable:
1 2 3
Eat regularly:
1 2 3
Participate in physical activities (e.g. walking, swimming, dancing, sports):
1 2 3
Get enough sleep:
1 2 3
Go to preventative medical appointments (checkups, teeth cleanings):
1 2 3
Rest when sick:
1 2 3

Psychological Self-Care

Take time off from work, school, and other obligations:
1 2 3
Participate in hobbies:
1 2 3
Learn new things, unrelated to work or school:
1 2 3
Express my feelings in a healthy way (talking, creating art, journaling):
1 2 3
Recognize my own strengths and achievements:
1 2 3
Go on vacations or day-trips:
1 2 3
Do something comforting (re-watch a favorite movie, take a long bath):
1 2 3
Find reasons to laugh:
1 2 3
Talk about my problems:
1 2 3

Social Self-Care

Spend time with people who I like:
1 2 3
Call or write to friends and family who are far away:
1 2 3
Have stimulating conversations:
1 2 3
Meet new people:
1 2 3
Spend time alone with my romantic partner:
1 2 3
Ask others for help, when needed:
1 2 3
Do enjoyable activities with other people:
1 2 3
Have intimate time with my romantic partner:
1 2 3
Keep in touch with old friends:
1 2 3

Spiritual Self-Care

Spend time in nature:
1 2 3
Read inspiring material:
1 2 3
Practice Forgiveness:
1 2 3
Unplug from technology:
1 2 3
Recognize the things that give meaning to my life:
1 2 3
Connect with a diverse community:
1 2 3
Set aside time for thought and reflection:
1 2 3
Participate in a cause that is important to me:
1 2 3
Appreciate art that is impactful to me (e.g. music, film, literature):
1 2 3

Professional Self-Care

Improve my professional skills:
1 2 3
Say “no” to excessive new responsibilities:
1 2 3
Take on projects that are interesting or rewarding:
1 2 3
Learn new things related to my profession:
1 2 3
Make time to talk and build relationships with colleagues:
1 2 3
Take breaks during work:
1 2 3
Maintain balance between my professional and personal life:
1 2 3
Keep a comfortable workspace that allows me to be successful:
1 2 3
Advocate for fair pay, benefits, and other needs:
1 2 3

My Self-Care Plan


This domain focuses on mental and emotional well-being. Activities can range from engaging in therapy or counseling, practicing mindfulness, to simply reading a book or journaling. For some, it might involve playing strategic games like chess to stimulate the mind, while for others, it could mean taking a digital detox to reduce stress.

What are your current self-care strategies for this category?

What self-care strategies for this section would I like to explore?


Physical self-care involves activities that improve bodily health and vitality. This could be as straightforward as regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, or getting adequate sleep. For some people, physical self-care might mean participating in team sports like soccer for social interaction and physical fitness, while for others, it could involve less strenuous activities like gardening or taking leisurely walks.

What are your current self-care strategies for this category?

What self-care strategies for this section would I like to explore?


This domain is all about nurturing relationships and interacting with others. Social self-care can be as varied as spending quality time with family, going out with friends, or engaging in community service. For some, it might mean attending social events or parties, while for others, it could be a quiet dinner with a close friend or loved one.

What are your current self-care strategies for this category?

What self-care strategies for this section would I like to explore?


Spiritual self-care is about connecting with a higher power or your inner self. This can involve religious practices like prayer or attending services, but it can also include non-religious activities like meditation, spending time in nature, or artistic expression. For some, it might mean going on a religious pilgrimage, while for others, it could be as simple as watching the sunrise.

What are your current self-care strategies for this category?

What self-care strategies for this section would I like to explore?


This domain focuses on maintaining a healthy work-life balance and career development. Activities can range from setting boundaries on work hours, taking regular breaks, to pursuing further education or training. For some, professional self-care might mean networking or attending industry events, while for others, it could involve mentorship or even changing career paths for better work-life balance.

What are your current self-care strategies for this category?

What self-care strategies for this section would I like to explore?