Research-Based Mental Health Practices For Businesses

A group of people sitting at a table, the camera is focused on a women who is typing on a laptop and laughing.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the mental health of employees has emerged as a critical component of organizational success. Small businesses, in particular, stand to benefit significantly from implementing research-based mental health practices. These practices not only support the well-being of employees but also contribute to a more productive and positive workplace. Mezzo Solutions, with its specialized workshops and therapy services, offers organizations tailored solutions to meet these challenges head-on, promoting a culture of wellness and resilience.

1. Cultivate a Supportive Company Culture:

Integrating mental health care into your benefits package is a fundamental step in challenging stigma and fostering a workplace culture that values mental wellness. Encourage open discussions about mental health to normalize these conversations. Implement anonymous feedback mechanisms to gather honest feedback about mental health needs and concerns within the company. This approach not only challenges stigma but also promotes inclusivity and support for mental wellness.

2. Engage in Direct Conversations:

Leverage the advantage of having a smaller team by engaging in direct conversations about mental health benefits. This personalized approach allows you to understand the specific needs of your employees. For instance, working parents might value childcare support, whereas employees in education may appreciate flexible leave policies during exams. Utilize anonymous surveys to gather feedback on the current benefits and to identify areas for improvement.

3. Revise Your PTO Policy:

Rethinking traditional sick day policies to offer more flexible and inclusive PTO options can significantly impact mental and physical well-being. Consider implementing a unified PTO policy that allows employees to take time off for any reason, promoting a more supportive environment for mental health. Flexible PTO policies, from day one, communicate that all employees are valued equally, helping to reduce stress and burnout.

4. Adopt Mental Health Apps and Group Solutions:

Mental health apps and group therapy solutions can be cost-effective ways to supplement traditional mental health care benefits. These digital tools offer convenient and private ways for employees to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Consider offering subscriptions to apps that provide guided meditations, mental health training, or stress management techniques. Additionally, virtual support groups or therapy sessions can offer communal support, enhancing the overall well-being of your team.

5. Explore Local Mental Health Resources:

Investigate local therapy practices and community resources that can provide tailored and affordable mental health support. Partnering with small group practices or local mental health organizations can offer your employees access to counseling services at a reduced cost. This approach not only supports the local economy but also provides your team with more personalized care options.

6. Lead by Example in Promoting Mental Wellness:

Demonstrating the importance of mental health through your actions can have a profound impact on your company's culture. Practice work-life balance by respecting personal time and boundaries, encouraging breaks, and setting an example by not sending work communications outside of business hours. Promoting mental wellness from the top down reinforces its value within your organization, contributing to a healthier and more productive workplace.

7. Manager Training for Mental Health Support:

Manager training for mental health equips leaders to identify and support employees in need of mental health care, fostering a workplace where managers can confidently engage with and assist team members facing mental health challenges. This training aims to enable managers to adjust job stressors and improve working conditions to support mental wellness. However, it's crucial to understand that such training does not qualify managers to diagnose or treat mental health conditions. The goal is to provide support and direct employees to professional care, not to act as mental health-care providers.

Implementing Research-Based Practices

Drawing from the World Health Organization's guidelines and insights from the Organizational Best Practices Supporting Mental Health article, small businesses are encouraged to adopt a holistic approach to mental health. This includes not only providing direct mental health support but also creating an environment that promotes overall well-being. By engaging in these strategies, small businesses can create a supportive and healthy work environment that benefits both employees and the organization as a whole.

Implementing the seven strategies for enhancing mental health benefits in small businesses demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and organizational health. From cultivating a supportive culture to manager training in mental health, these research-based practices lay the groundwork for a thriving workplace. Mezzo Solutions stands ready to assist organizations in this journey, offering expert-led workshops and therapy services designed to integrate seamlessly with your mental health initiatives. Partnering with Mezzo Solutions can help elevate your mental health strategy, ensuring your business not only meets but exceeds its wellness goals.

  • Gayed, A., Milligan-Saville, J. S., Nicholas, J., Bryan, B. T., LaMontagne, A. D., Milner, A., Madan, I., Calvo, R. A., Christensen, H., Mykletun, A., Glozier, N., & Harvey, S. B. (2018). Effectiveness of training workplace managers to understand and support the mental health needs of employees: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Occupational and environmental medicine, 75(6), 462–470.

    Guidelines on mental health at work. (2022, September 28). In World Health Organization (No. 9789240053052). Retrieved February 28, 2024, from

    Wu, A., Roemer, E. C., Kent, K. B., Ballard, D. W., & Goetzel, R. Z. (2021). Organizational Best Practices Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 63(12), e925–e931.


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