Case Study: Show Up To Help Workshop

Transforming Organizations Through Mezzo Solutions Show Up To Help Workshop


In this case study, we will explore how a non-profit organization, Community Action East of Central Indiana (CAECI), experienced significant positive changes by implementing the Mezzo Solutions Show Up To Help Workshop. The workshop aimed to provide mental health education and support to the organization's staff, enabling them to better serve the community foster a healthier work environment, and pass on their wellness to those that they serve.


CAECI Head Start represents a federal initiative designed to offer holistic support to families in need within the region. This program caters to low-income expectant mothers and families with children ranging from infancy to preschool age, encompassing infants, toddlers, and youngsters up to five years old. It places special emphasis on inclusivity by welcoming children with disabilities.

The primary objective of this initiative is to foster a comprehensive advancement in various aspects of children's lives, including their physical, social, emotional, linguistic, and cognitive development. Concurrently, it strives to empower parents in their parental roles, encouraging their active involvement in their child's education right from the earliest stages. By assuming the pivotal role of their child's foremost educator, parents are supported in their journey toward self-sufficiency.

However, due to the demanding nature of their work, the staff members often faced high levels of stress, burnout, and emotional exhaustion. Recognizing the need for self-care and mental well-being, the organization partnered with Mezzo Solutions to implement their transformative Show Up To Help Workshop.


The Show Up To Help Workshop was conducted over a series of interactive sessions, addressing topics such as stress management, mindfulness, self-compassion, and establishing healthy boundaries. The workshop utilized evidence-based practices and provided practical tools that the staff could incorporate into their daily lives.


1. Improved Staff Well-being:

Through the workshop, CAECI witnessed a notable improvement in the knowledge that staff have about mental health and overall well-being. Participants reported increased understanding of burnout, stress, and work-life balance, increased self-awareness, and a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment in their work. The workshop provided them with the necessary skills to navigate challenging situations, regulate emotions, and prioritize self-care.

2. Enhanced Workplace Culture:

The implementation of the Show Up To Help Workshop contributed to the creation of a positive and supportive workplace culture. Staff members became more empathetic and understanding towards one another, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Open discussions about mental health became more prevalent, erasing the stigma associated with seeking help and support.

3. Impact on Service Delivery:

The positive effects of the Show Up To Help Workshop extended beyond the staff to the clients served by CAECI. Staff members, equipped with enhanced self-care practices, were better able to provide empathetic and compassionate support to individuals and families in need. This resulted in improved client interactions, increased satisfaction, and strengthened community trust in the organization's services.


By investing in Mezzo Solutions Show Up To Help Workshop, CAECI witnessed a transformative impact on its staff and the people they serve. The workshop provided the necessary mental health education and support, leading to improved staff well-being, a positive workplace culture, and enhanced service delivery. Organizations like CAECI exemplify the value of prioritizing self-care and mental well-being as integral components of their mission, ultimately making a profound difference in the lives of individuals and communities they serve.

Learn more about Mezzo Solutions Show Up To Help Workshop by following the link below


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