25 Free Summer Activities to Boost Your Mental Health

Two women sitting side-by-side in a hammock looking over a river.

The summer season offers a wonderful opportunity to prioritize your mental health and well-being without breaking the bank. In this article, we'll explore 25 activities that you can enjoy during the summer to improve your mental well-being without spending any money. Let's dive in and discover how to make the most of this vibrant season while nurturing your mental health.

An image of a person in blue jeans walking on a log on a green park trail with sunlight filtering through the trees.

1. Take a nature walk

Explore nearby parks or hiking trails to connect with nature and enjoy the calming effects of the outdoors.

If you need inspiration on where to take a walk check out AllTrails to find a route near you!

A serene scene of a picnic blanket on the grass with a spread of snacks and a scenic backdrop.

2. Have a picnic

Pack a delicious meal or snacks and enjoy a picnic with friends or family in a scenic spot

Here are 21 Recipes to Take Your Picnic to the Next Level

A person tending to plants in a raised garden bed by a wooden fence.

3. Start a garden

Grow your own herbs, vegetables, or flowers in your backyard or create a small container garden on your balcony.

Do you need support to get started? This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to start an at-home garden.

A women browsing pulling a book off of a shelf in a library.

4. Explore local libraries

Borrow books, magazines, or audiobooks from your local library and indulge in a summer reading spree.

If you don’t know where your local library is, use this link to find one near you!

A group practicing yoga poses on mats in a sunny, open park.

5. Try outdoor yoga

Find free yoga classes or tutorials online and practice in the fresh air of a park or your backyard.

Search online for yoga resources or watch this YouTube video for beginners. Your community may offer free Yoga Classes, ask around!

Several bags of movie style popcorn in a container decorated with string lights.

6. Host a movie night

Gather friends or family for a movie night at home, complete with homemade popcorn and cozy blankets.

Re-watch an old favorite, ask a guest to bring a movie, or check out your local library to see if they have movies available!

A person on a street wearing a safety jacket that reads "Here To Help" on the back.

7. Volunteer in your community

Offer your time and skills to local charities or community organizations and make a positive impact.

Reach out to your local United Way, or a Non-Profit Organization whose mission and values align with your own. There is always a way for you to help!

A group of volunteers in bright vests picking up litter in a park.

8. Organize a neighborhood clean-up

Gather neighbors and beautify your community by cleaning up a local park or street.

This is another opportunity to talk with your local Parks Department or City Officials to explore upcoming clean-ups in your community. If there are none, you can use this resource to make it happen!

A pair of binoculars resting on top of an open book that shows different types of owls.

9. Take up birdwatching

Grab a bird identification book or use online resources to observe and appreciate local bird species.

Here is a great online resource to learn more about birds!

Various art supplies like paintbrushes, watercolors, and a half-finished canvas.

10. Create art

Use materials you already have at home to paint, draw, or engage in other creative endeavors that bring you joy.

Art can mean anything to you, but if you need a simple place to start, download and print our Self-Care Coloring Book

A person sitting on the ground, net to a wood burning stove, reading a paperback book.

11. Practice mindfulness

Dedicate time to be present in the moment, focus on your senses, and embrace the beauty of summer.

Mindfulness takes practice, if you are interested in helpful resources check out our videos and articles on this topic.

A spray painted symbol of a marked out cellphone on a street.

12. Have a technology detox

Disconnect from screens for a day or a weekend and enjoy uninterrupted time for reflection and relaxation.

Though this may sound overwhelming or maybe even impossible, you can follow this 10-step guide to make it happen.

Three men sitting outside, having a conversation.

13. Host a potluck gathering

Invite friends or neighbors to bring a dish and share a communal meal together.

Send out physical or virtual invitations, maybe even pick a theme, or ask guests to bring their favorite side dish or dessert!

A red bicycle with a front and rear whicker basket full of fresh produced leaning up against a farmers market booth.

14. Explore local markets

Visit a local farmers markets or flea markets to discover unique finds and support local vendors.

Many Farmers Markets offer free activities such as live music or theme days. Find your local market here.

A person writing a bike on the street.

15. Go for a bike ride

Take advantage of the warm weather and explore your neighborhood or nearby trails on a bike.

If you do not have a bike, ask a family member, friend, or neighbor to borrow theirs. If that doesn’t work, ask your community to see if there are bike-sharing programs.

A person writing in their journal with a cup of coffee near by with the sun shinning in from a window located behind them.

16. Start a gratitude journal

Each day, write down three things you are grateful for to cultivate a positive mindset.

There are so many benefits to journaling! If it’s been a while since you have journaled or you want to get started check out this video for tips and tricks!

Two people painting a room together with white paint.

17. Engage in DIY projects

Use recycled materials to create crafts, home decor, or small gifts for loved ones.

Here are resources for home improvement projects and crafty ones.

A man meditating and stretching outside on a deck.

18. Practice meditation

Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath to cultivate inner peace and relaxation.

Meditation can be a time of quiet or a time to be guided. If you are interested in free support check out this resource.

An image of a towel, bottle of lotion, pink flowers and a lit candle.

19. Have a home spa day

Create a DIY spa experience with a relaxing bath, face masks, and soothing music.

A spa day is what you make it. Think about what you want for your self-care and make sure you are listening to your needs.

Three female concert gowers sitting in a line together in a field behind a large crown who are all facing a band stage.

20. Attend community events

Look for free concerts, festivals, or art exhibitions happening in your area and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Eventbrite is a great resource for finding no-cost events near you.

A black man wearing a sports jersey holding up a small polaroid photo of himself to the camera while standing in from of a graffiti wall.

21. Take photographs

Grab your camera or use your smartphone to capture the beauty of summer in your surroundings.

Take photos of nature, your community, friends, or yourself. Express yourself through a lens!

A sunrise or sunset near a mountain range.

22. Enjoy a digital sunset

Set aside time in the evening to disconnect from digital devices and savor the quiet moments.

I know, I know, another digital detox, but this is serious, it can be helpful and tends to be an experience we take for granted.

A photo of an art museum display room.

23. Take a virtual museum tour

Many museums offer online tours and exhibitions, allowing you to explore art and history from the comfort of your home.

The Smithsonian happens to be one of them!

Multi-generational familly including grandparents and children sitting at a table in a garden enjoying drinks together.

24. Connect with loved ones

Reach out to friends or family members you haven't spoken to in a while and catch up over a phone call or video chat.

Just because they haven’t reached out, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.

A person writing in a journal using an orange pen.

25. Practice self-reflection

Set aside time to reflect on your goals, values, and aspirations for the future, and consider journaling or writing about your insights.

Sometimes journal prompts can help, check out this resource for ideas on what to write about.

Improving your mental health and well-being during the summer doesn't have to come with a hefty price tag. By engaging in these 25 free activities, you can make the most of the season, embrace self-care, and nurture your mental well-being. Take advantage of the warm weather, the beauty of nature, and the sense of community to recharge and find joy in the little moments. Remember, your mental health matters, and by prioritizing it, you can make this summer a season of growth, rejuvenation, and happiness.


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